Designing and developing a great user experience is costly and frequently misses the usability mark. There are times when you have a precise design in mind for your UI and choose to hand-code it. However, more often than not, there's no need to micromanage the design. That's why we created INTERACT. Simply specify the data fields required for each of your system's functions, and let us automatically design an optimal user experience, generate the implementation code, and deploy it for you. The UI design can also be applied on-the-fly, allowing the entire structure of interaction to adapt to the circumstances in real-time.
INTERACT offers an extensive range of features for business applications: editing and display of business data types, forms, infinitely scrollable tables, charts, maps, images, videos -- the list goes on. It comes in two flavors: consumer-facing with a focus on simplicity, and professional for maximum user efficiency.
Our UI implementation meets the strictest data privacy standards and features built-in user authentication and data access security. It can take various shapes and forms - a standalone web page, a website plugin, or a native app for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows. When a user is offline, they can be reached via email or text message.
With releasing INTERACT into the wild, we predict a cost reduction, compared to traditional UI development, to exceed 10x. The subsequent maintenance and modifications are expected only to be 1/100th of what it would traditionally cost.